It's difficult for people to believe the injustice that the most vulnerable people in our society face, afterall - we live in the lucky country.
In this rather short series that I plan to extend one day, I've re-enacted scenes that I have witnessed or heard about first hand.
1. Crisis accommodation for a homeless person is usually a rooming house. Registered rooming houses don't usually allow children, so the only option; the even less desirable unregistered rooming house - littered with needles and bottles from the previous tenant, and a broken lock.
2. A well educated man who has made an incredible contribution to society, cannot get government funded support to get the care he needs to live in his own home. He is woken at 7am, dressed for the day, drinks and sandwiches lined up to get him through to the evening shift 12 hours later. Hot coffee shouldn't be a luxury item. To add to the injustice, to provide the support he would need is only a fraction of what it would cost to put him in a nursing home.